Hayson Tse, PhD, Barrister

Image file was created by AI Image Generator. It is an artificial intelligence system that generates images based on a given string of text. On different occasions, it was given different strings, which were either the same string containing the same words in a different order, or the same string with one or more words deleted. On each occasion, it produced a series of images. Finally, this image file was selected. In the Frequently Asked Question webpage, the AI Image Generator provider stated that commercial use is permitted for the generated images. The images may be used for any legal purposes and are not subject to copyright. They have no owner.

Wellington Chambers was set up at least some 3 decades ago. It is office to a group of independent barristers, with a wealth of experience in a wide range of legal practice areas.

Barristers are autonomous legal practitioners. They operate as self-employed individuals. Although they typically work within chambers when they do not appear in court, their legal, financial, and professional responsibilities remain separate from those of their fellow barristers in the same chambers. It is not uncommon for barristers within the same chambers to represent opposing parties in a dispute, regardless of the sensitivity or contentious nature of the issues involved.

It is important to note that the information provided on this site does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such.